We are involved in and support communities where we do business.
Workplace Climate
We conduct diversity awareness training and promote activities that encourage an inclusive work environment.
Economic Development
We include women-owned and minority-owned businesses in our dealer and supplier network.
Talent Management
We are committed to recruiting and retaining a multi-cultural workforce.
Leadership Accountability
We have visible support of corporate diversity initiatives and goals from senior leaders and Board of Management members.
Community Outreach Events
Volkswagen sponsors events that support the following areas: well-being of the mind, well-being of the body, well-being of the environment, diversity, and arts, culture and sports.
Diversity Advisory Council
The Diversity Advisory Council works together to create an environment in which Volkswagen Chattanooga is viewed as a full community partner and where all employees and business partners work together to achieve business results. Our Company recognizes that strong community partners are an essential part of our business success.
Employee Resource Groups
Groups of employees whose purpose is to create a forum for professional growth and career development. ERGs help to attract and retain a diverse workforce, raise diversity awareness, provide community support and foster business relationships with minority clients, suppliers, and consumers.
Supplier Diversity
Our supplier diversity inclusion initiative is an important effort that leverages the core American values of fairness and equal opportunity. Its role in the US business environment is to provide networking opportunities to suppliers of varying capacities.
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